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Euthanasia Services


Our staff will help you cope with this end of life decision. Unfortunately,
there comes a time in the life of all pets when the possibility of a
recovery to a comfortable existence is not likely. Often medical
intervention may not provide a level of comfort acceptable to the
animal’s owners. The decision to euthanize is among the most difficult
choices a pet owner ever has to make.

In a quiet and comfortable environment the euthanasia is performed by
the veterinarian. After the medication has been given the pet will pass
away quickly. The vet will then make sure that the heart, pulse, and
breathing have stopped. Owners are free to be present or leave
depending on the preference.

Prior to euthanasia, owners should decide on how the pet’s body will
be cared for. Our hospital provides a range of respectful options from
home burial to private cremation. For more information please call.

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